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About Me

They say that nothing worth doing is easy. Like every one of us, I’ve had my bumps in the road. But if you ask me, I’ll always tell you that I wouldn’t change a thing. Why? Because throughout my journey I’ve honed my skills and proven that my services get results in the real world.

About Me: About

Every business has a tale to tell. And my story so far has been anything but ordinary! 
There was always one constant—the drive to perfect my craft and become a recognised name in this field. I never lost the desire to learn and there are lessons to be learned with each new challenge.

About Me: Text

Get to Know Me

Growing up in Germany I had an urge to travel the world for as long as I can remember. 
After school I started an apprenticeship in business administration, realising very soon how unsuited this job is for me. To escape the monotony of my job I used all my spare time to explore nearby places and cities in Europe.
After working as a business administrative for 4 years I gave up everything I knew and started my travels through Thailand and Australia for an unknown time.
I felt inspired everywhere I went and fell in love with an Englishman who took me back to his home in the southeast of England. 
This is where I started an interior design course at 'British College of Interior Design', which I finished in May 2021.

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May 2021

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About Me: About
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