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2022 Vision Board

I have been wanting to do a vision board for ages and I thought that now was the time.

First I wrote a list with things I wanted to achieve in the future, but also things I like doing and want to keep doing.

Afterwards I headed to Pinterest and typed in those words to search for a picture that would resemble each goal. I saved those to my phone for later.

Once I found all the inspiration I needed, I went onto Canva and puzzled all the photos together and assembled them in a way I liked. I also added words that would help me manifest.

This is the part where you can get as creative as you like, don't be shy!

This is the result of my personal vision board:

You could take this as inspiration or approach it completely differently, totally up to you. All I wish to emphasise is how important it can be not only to write down your goals, but to put it into pictures. This way you remember more easily and also can have a look at it once in a while. Maybe printing it out and hanging it on a wall for you to see everyday is an even better idea.

I would like to encourage you to dream big.

Thanks for reading!

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