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Colours and Keywords

This week I would like to introduce you to colour theory.

I picked out colours and wrote down popular or unpopular associations and explained the way they can often make us feel.

Certain colours are known to benefit us more than others. I explained which colours work best in which rooms and which colours could achieve the benefit you're aiming for.

This way you can support your energies and create the environment you want to live in.



Grey can be perceived as dull, boring and conservative. A more positive association is elegance.

When grey has a warm undertone it is a beautiful colour to use in living rooms, because it makes a space comfortable and inviting. This can be achieved when mixing grey with beige (greige).


Elegance, humility, respect, reverence, stability, subtlety, wisdom, old age, boredom, decay, dullness, dust, entanglement, pollution, urban sprawl, strong emotions, balance, neutrality, mourning, formality, March.



White is used for a simplistic and minimalistic feel. It creates a feeling of space and is perfect to highlight things because it stands out.

When too much white is used in one space it can cause anxiousness and a lack of focus. To avoid this, use an off-white shade or use it in combination with other colours.

It can be described as cold or sterile, but is known for its cleanliness and new beginnings.


Light, reverence, purity, truth, snow, peace, innocence, cleanliness, simplicity, security, humility, sterility, winter, coldness, criticism, surrender, cowardice, fearfulness, unimaginative, air, death (Eastern cultures), life, marriage (Western cultures), hope, Aries, Pisces (star signs), bland, empty and unfriendly (interior), January (Winter).

A white room evokes purity and simplicity.



Although black is associated with all the negative things (death, negativity, sadness), at the same time nothing screams elegance more than a black dress or suit.

Black is associated with attractiveness and sophistication, but also power (judges, credit cards etc.).

Black has to be used carefully in interiors. When too much the whole space seems confined or sad, but when used on one wall or accents it gives sophistication, relaxation and can channel your creativity.


Absence, modernity, power, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, style, evil, death (Western cultures), fear, seriousness, conventionality, rebellion, unity, sorrow, life, rebirth (ancient Egypt), professionalism, slimming quality (fashion).



Red is considered the most contradictory of all. The colour red symbolises passion and love, but also rage and danger (stop signs, sirens etc.).

Having red walls can create excitement and initiate conversations, which is why it is often used in rooms for entertainment or dining rooms. It isn't recommended to have red paint or furnishings in bedrooms because it raises the blood pressure and doesn't help with relaxation or settling down.


Passion, strength, energy, fire, love, excitement, speed, heat, arrogance, ambition, leadership, masculinity, power, danger, blood, war, anger, revolution, socialism, communism, aggression, summer, autumn, stop, Mars (planet), respect, Aries (star sign), December, conservatism (U.S. politics), radical/ socialism (UK, European politics) wealth (China), marriage (India).

Studies show that red can have a physical effect, increasing the rate of respiration and raising blood pressure;

red also is said to make people hungry (McDonalds);

The red ruby is the traditional 40th wedding anniversary gift.

Red is also the colour of the devil in modern Western culture.

Deep red room evokes a bold atmosphere.



Blue is a cool colour, which can be seen as cold or distant. Dark blue is also linked to depression and sadness. On the other hand blue senses a calm and inspiring feel, because of its relation to nature (sea, sky),

Blue works well in office spaces because it is known to increase productivity and focus. Especially lighter tints are great in bedrooms and bathrooms because they are known to lower your blood pressure and heart rate, as well as spreading tranquility. Perfect for your own spa bathroom to relax in.


Seas, men, productive (interior) skies, peace, unity, harmony, tranquillity, calmness, trust, coolness, confidence, conservatism, water, ice, loyalty, dependability, cleanliness, technology, winter, depression, coldness, idealism, air, wisdom, royalty, nobility, Earth (planet), Virgo (light blue), Pisces (pale blue) and Aquarius (dark blue), strength, steadfastness, light, friendliness, July (sky blue), February (deep blue), peace, mourning (Iran), truthfulness, love, sadness, liberalism (U.S. politics), conservatism (UK & European politics).

In many diverse cultures blue is significant in religious beliefs, believed to keep the bad spirits away.



Green is most popular to be connected to nature. Other things that come to mind are money, luck, health, environmental awareness or envy and jealousy.

This colour is not only calming, but is supposed to inspire creativity and improve reading ability. Because green comes from mixing blue and green, it also awakens joy and cheerfulness.

Therefore great room choices are bedrooms, bathrooms, family rooms or screened porches.


Great intelligence, nature, spring, fertility, youth, environment, wealth, money, good luck, vigour, generosity, go, grass, aggression, coldness, jealousy, disgrace (China), illness, greed, corruption (North Africa), life eternal, air, earth, sincerity, Cancer (bright green, star sign), renewal, natural abundance, growth, health, August, balance, harmony, stability, calming, creative intelligence, Islam, the ordinary.

During the Middle Ages, both green and yellow were used to symbolise the devil.

Green is believed to be the luckiest of colours in some western countries including Britain, Ireland, and the U.S.



Yellow is confederated with the trait of attention-grabbing, energetic, warm, difficult to read or frustration.

Because yellow can be very bright it evokes negative emotions like anger or frustration, when used in an interior.

Lighter tints on the other hand, make you cheerful and happy, are uplifting and warm. It is the same sensation as on a sunny day or when seeing a sunflower.

Use pale yellows in kitchens, bathrooms, dining areas or nurseries.


Sunlight, joy, happiness, earth, optimism, intelligence, idealism, wealth (gold), summer, hope, air, liberalism, cowardice, illness (quarantine), fear, hazards, dishonesty, avarice, weakness, greed, femininity, gladness, sociability, summer, friendship, Gemini, Taurus, Leo (golden yellow, star signs), April, September, deceit, hazard signs, death (Middle Ages), mourning (Egypt), courage (Japan), God (gold).

Yellow ribbons were worn during times of warfare as a sign of hope as women waited for their men to return.

During the Middle Ages, both green and yellow were used to symbolise the devil.



Because violet is so rare in nature it is allied with wealth and royalty, mystery and imagination.

Violet is a very spiritual colour, which is associated with light-hearted and romantic energies, while darker shades can mean sadness or frustration.

Because violet is a mix of red and blue its perception depends on the shade that is being used. Lighter violet uses more blue and is therefore calming and relaxing. Darker violet is achieved when adding more red, which results in more energizing feelings.


Nobility, envy, sensuality, spirituality, creativity, wealth, royalty, ceremony, mystery, wisdom, enlightenment, arrogance, flamboyance, mourning, exaggeration, confusion, pride, Scorpio (violet, star sign), May, November, riches, romanticism (light purple), delicacy (light purple), penance.

Purple is the colour of mourning for widows in Thailand, favourite colour of Egypt’s Cleopatra, and the Purple Heart is given to soldiers who have been wounded during warfare.



Orange is a controversial colour and it can cause a bright, happy and uplifting spirit for some people, but can be too bright or overwhelming for others.

Orange is a highly stimulating colour and often used in spiritual environments (monks). It is known to support meditation.

This is why orange is a great colour to use in gyms. Whether you wanna channel the uplifting spirit or would like to zen out.


Hinduism, Buddhism, happiness, energy, balance, heat, fire, enthusiasm, flamboyance, playfulness, aggression, arrogance, warning, danger, autumn, desire, Sagittarius (star sign), September.

Orange has less intensity or aggression than red and is calmed by the cheerfulness of yellow.

Orange is the colour of the Royal family of the Netherlands.



Like most dark colours brown is linked to negative feelings. In this case feelings of loneliness, isolation or sadness could come up.

Its earthyness is giving a sense of strength and reliability, as well as warmth, comfort and security.

Brown can be brought into your space by using unique wood pieces. Make sure to mix it with other colours to avoid a lack of ambition and thrive. It is well combined with blue to represent the earth and water relation.


Calm, boldness, depth, natural organisms, nature, richness, ‘rusticism’, stability, tradition, fascism, dullness, filth, heaviness, poverty, roughness, earth (classical element), October, Capricorn, Scorpio (reddish-brown, star signs), down-to-earth.

Brown can stimulate appetite, wholesomeness, steadfastness, simplicity, friendliness, and dependability.



Like with all other colours, it creates different sensations when using a pale or vibrant variation.

Vibrant pink can feel stimulating or aggravating, while pale pink can be relaxing and is associated with femininity, love, kindness and romance.

Pink is a great colour to use in a space where you want to get creative. It is meant to channel your creativity and inner child, bring joy and happiness.


Spring, gratitude, appreciation, admiration, sympathy, femininity, health, love, June, marriage, joy.


Everyone perceives colours differently. It highly depends on past experiences and personal or cultural influences.

Colours are never universal, which is why all colours can make all individuals feel differently.

All mentioned above are just general rules that have been discovered over time. Please check out the following two pages, which have helped with my research and putting this article together:


Walla Painting

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